Thursday, July 20, 2006


Things with K have been moving quickly. Very quickly. We have seen each other every other day since our first date. We both know this is a good thing, and we've talked about it. She commented that she feels like she's known me for a lot longer than the short time we've been dating... I agreed. She makes me laugh. I make her laugh. We laugh constantly when we're together. We respect each other's work, I heard her sing last night.. and was stunned. She heard my music.. and was thrilled.

Last night we were laying in bed. Relationship-y type conversation came up. I told her straight out - after one week of dating, I am ready to be in a long distance relationship. It was really tough for me. She thought about it for a long time, and said, "I have to be honest, I need more time, but, I'm enjoying right now."

Oh man... It's not a yes, not a no, it's a big fat fucking maybe, and I get to stew on it for a month. Shit. I've been working really hard on not taking this thing too fast (because I know I can do that when I know I like someone a lot), so I'm detirmined to not press the issue.

Let me be clear, I understand where she's coming from completely... I just wish I knew right now what she's thinking. She's been in a 2 year long distance relationship, so I know she's done it before... but does she want to do it again? Who knows.

I'm trying really hard not to stress over this.


By the by, I had, yet another, one of my beloved conversations with the ex tonight. It's nice to be reminded why we're not together. She was upset because I didn't call her for several days after our last hookup (yes, it happened, I'm not proud... but she initiated!), and that I'm now dating another woman (she claimed tonight that "Well damn, you move on fast!"). I refrained from telling her how great this girl is, but clearly reminded her of the fact that SHE turned ME down when I wanted to get back together some short period after we broke up. Ah... A clear and decisive victory. I think she tried to argue with me.

I wouldn't know.

I stopped listening.


Blogger EE said...

Wow...that is huge that you would feel so strongly for her. It's awesome that you two found each other and you are into her so much. It's a bit of a bummer that you found her so close to you leaving. Long distance relationships can be hard, but most definately can work. Good luck!

It sounds like she makes you *very* happy and that is defintaly an important thing. :)

Oh and I have a passion for hot chicks and boobs, so I post pictures of them often. LOL

5:01 PM  
Blogger Bree said...

You're a trainwreck dude!!! LOL!

I don't want a long distance relationship, I WANT a long distance relationship.

I don't like ex, I HOOKED Up with Ex... YOU ENJOYED EVERY MINUTE!

You're my type of guy, no doubt :-)

Seriously, all sarcastic ass aside, I'm glad things are going well and they sound like they are. We need to go out sometime, seriously, we would have a blast!

P.S. Missed you too!

6:54 PM  
Blogger Greyhound Girl said...

Wow- brave to tell K so soon and maybes really suck, the ex is really a bitch and where is HNT?

6:28 AM  

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