Saturday, July 15, 2006


IS TONIGHT! Okay, so I'm a LOT less nervous than Thursday (I cleaned my house for 3 hours on Thursday night to try to calm down), but still nervous nonetheless. I'm picking her up after her show (she's in a really popular musical in town), and we're coming back to my place for a movie.

....and here's to hoping we don't watch a minute of it.

Okay, okay, honestly, if we talk like we did on Thursday, I'll be plenty happy. I really want to take this one SLOW. Seriously.

So, in case any of you out there are keeping track, I AM still moving across the country in a month. I wanted to avoid a long distance relationship at all costs, BUT, if things continue to go well, I am completely capable of not even looking at other girls in Baltimore. My last long distance relationship was 4 years ago, and it lasted about a year and a half. It was not the distance that broke us up, either.

In any case, this is only date number two, so I'll try not to get too "planny F. McPlanerson" on everybody. I'll let ya'll know how tonight goes. I will say this - this is the most excited I've been about anyone in 2 years.

Composer's current outlook? - Cautiously Optomistic -


Blogger Greyhound Girl said...

Relax. SLOW is good. Easy. Down boy...LOL- oh what the hell- go get her, tiger! grrr! Hope it goes great! Will be awaiting all the glorious details!

(BTW, your questions are up! Love ya!)

4:42 PM  
Blogger Bree said...

You are too funny. You remind me ALOT of a good friend of mine. ESPECIALLY when it comes to women.
"Cautiously Optimistic" hehehe...

Hope it went to plan!

BTW... I don't love you. I just love your "doggie style" ;-)

3:16 PM  
Blogger EE said... did part deux go???

5:36 AM  

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