Friday, January 05, 2007


Oh freaking hell, I'm actually nervous about Saturday. I am a dorkataur. I have no idea what I'm nervous about. Every time I start feeling this way before a date everything turns out FINE. In fact, it seems to help and I usually have a better time.

But of course, I couldn't stop the thoughts going through my head. What if I can't think of things to talk about? What if I can't find anything to do and she gets bored? Etcetera, etcetera, et-frickin-cetera.

Once I thought about it, I took a deep breath and chilled out. Even if everything goes perfectly, there's still little hope of a relationship.

G mentioned that I shouldn't knock long-distance, and I'm not. As some of you know, First Love, whom I was with for a year and a half lived about 7 hours away for most of the time we were together. In fact, we never lived in the same city.

BUT, a 7 hour drive is different than a half-country flight, and both people have to be into it. I've done long distance, and there are aspects that are very rough, but there are also good aspects to it. I was in that relationship for the long haul, but she didn't like the distance. In my experience, most girls don't.

I guess I'm just not getting my hopes up for a long-shot. However, I'm not in the "if it's meant to be, it will be" camp. I think doors are opened for us and it's up to us to walk through them. I believe it is entirely possible to miss the person you should be with because you didn't take a chance... and that's why I'm going on this date, I mean, why pass it up? You do never know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, you're too stress about Saturday. Take it easy.
Look, it's already Friday, one more day and you will have a great time. Do not get ahead of things, just relax and be ready for tomorrow.

Good luck! :)

7:08 AM  
Blogger Greyhound Girl said...

First dates are scarey but when it all works out, it's perfect. And that's worth all the nerves. And if it sucks, then just think, you have a GREAT story to tell us girls!

9:50 AM  
Blogger EE said...

I'm excited for you!

"dorkataur" *snort!*

You are too cute. Good luck on the date. I can't wait to hear all about it. And if it does turn into a long distance relationship, play it by ear, see where it leads, you know?

Love ya!

11:08 PM  
Blogger Bree said...

Good luck on your big date tonight honey!!!

Thinking of ya!

8:32 AM  

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