Monday, July 31, 2006


After having a more serious discussion with K on Thursday night about her concern of how fast things were going, I was slightly worried about us... mainly because we weren't talking very well on the phone.... Well, I went over there last night, and we had a BLAST. We both got pretty nice and drunk, and just stayed up until all hours talking, and eventually getting naked. It was really wonderful.

After our talk, I've decided to take things down a notch, as far as being Planny F. McPlanerson. I know full well that things between us might not work out when I leave, but worrying about it is not going to do a damn bit of good, just as trying to take things quickly in our relationship isn't doing any good either. I think part of the reason we had so much fun last night is that I finally stopped worrying about whether or not K is going to want to stay with me when I leave, and just focused on having a good time with her in the moment.

I'm also trying to cool it on being overly complimentary (which I can do at times), and just generally relaxing into things. For the first time since we started dating, I didn't make plans to hang out with her again as I left. Why? Because I don't need to. We're going to see each other soon, and I don't need to have it penciled into my planner to be comfortable about that.

We both got a little more sleep this time around, too, which is nice. I think we're going to be making a habit of sleeping at each other's places, which I'm pretty thrilled about... if there is one great way to wake up, it's next to a naked hottie.


Blogger EE said...

Good plan dude, or rather, good LACK of plan, lol. I think that is a great way to look at things. Enjoy it.


6:11 AM  
Blogger Bree said...

I think it's good not to JUMP in all at first. I've seen it happen so many times! 8 out of 10 times it turns sour in a hurry. The other two times (me included) you go through the "why isn't it the same as it used to be?" phase and try to adjust.

I cannot tell you how happy I am that you have found someone out there to "hang" out with.

I would like to see pics of the nekkid hottie, however, clothed would be acceptable as well ;-)

6:13 AM  
Blogger Greyhound Girl said...

good plan and good luck

3:36 PM  

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