Sunday, January 07, 2007


Well... what can I say? That girl is awesome.

We had a great time. Started out the evening by watching the last few minutes of the game... her suggestion. We talked sports most of the time. Nice.

After that we got pizza. We got a little more in depth, talked about our families, made fun of our waitress (she was really cute, but sounded like she was 5), don't worry, I tipped her well to make up for it.

From there we went to blockbuster, looked around, and decided to see something at the theatre instead (where she insisted on paying to make up for dinner, a really sweet thing to do). We ended up with The Pursuit of Happyness (excellent), and had a good time.

After the movie I took her home and we chatted for a little while longer. I wanted to stay longer and keep talking, but I also didn't want to push my luck. We had a great night and I thought it better to leave on a high note... I didn't want her to think I was sticking around to try to get some action. We hugged, she asked me to call when I got home safely.

It was great. We were laughing a lot of the night and just having a great time. She makes me comfortable, and that makes it easy to joke and have a good time.

That said. I got the vibe that she is interested, but I didn't get the vibe that she wanted to try something further. She also mentioned that she'd never been in a real relationship. As far as I'm concerned, that's not all bad, because it shows a girl is picky. But. If someone's never done a relationship, they would be even less likely to do long distance. Like most career driven girls, I think she's looking for convienence in a relationship.

I won't know for sure until I talk with her a bit more.. but I'm guessing it will be a while before I see her again. It was really great, though, to get back out there and enjoy myself with a girl who actually deserves my time. It's tough to see a good oportunity pass, but somehow I think tonight will renew me.


Blogger EE said...

Sounds like a fun night! Good for you!

8:54 PM  
Blogger Bree said...

Oh good honey! I'm glad you had such a great time. It had to be refreshing to meet someone you got along with so well.

As far as not "feeling" a response from her... just wait and see. Too early to be "over-analyzing"! (I do the SAME thing!!!)

Anyway - I'm happy for ya!

7:19 AM  
Blogger geenalyn said...

sounds like a successful evening to me

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You see, you had fun!!!
I am glad. I'm happy for you.


7:23 AM  

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