Tuesday, June 05, 2007


So this might be too much for some of you, but it's an honest question I have for the ladies out there, and there's a very good reason I'm asking.

Do you ever have sex while you're on your period?

Here's why I ask. Pageant Girl is coming to town next week. Chances are she's going to be on her period most, if not the entire time she's here. After this trip, I'm not going to see her for almost 3 months... and that's a long time to go without sex.

So... what do you think? Should I try? I'm up for it (in case you didn't know, I'm a dirty man). If you've done it before, what should I expect? Is there something we can do to make it work? Should I just try to convince her to do anal? (I think I can, by the way)

Again, I'm sorry if this is gross! But hey, composer needs his sex.


Blogger Vixen said...


The *most* ideal way is in the shower. No mess, no stigmatism....if that applies....clean and super hot. When AF visits is almost one of my "most desirable" times of the month. So to pass up on it just bc of AF...no thanks.

And if you are more adventurous than that, there is always a towel. ;)

Considering who you are and how you feel, you should approach her about it. I think the most important thing to do is NOT PRESSURE her about it, but absolutely make her be known that you *don't mind* that she is, suggest scenerios in which it is ok.

I think the main drawback to having sex while a female is on her period, is that she feels 'self conscious' of how another person will view her. SO if YOU show you are 'into the idea', then it will make her more comfortable.

Oh. And TOTALLY differ topic...anal. Not the same. I have had some *super intense* O's that way but it's short lived and could NEVER take the place of sex in a different manner. For me 'anal' needs to be about timing.

Just my advice. ;)

11:09 PM  
Blogger geenalyn said...

Yes, all the time lol.

And i agree with Vixen's advice...in the shower there is no mess, otherwise just use a towel. Even that isn't needed if her AF isn't too heavy.

I agree with Vixen also that alot of the reason girls don't want to have sex during AF is because they feel self-conscious, but also because they are afraid of grossing out the guy. So make sure you let her know that you are totally cool with it and that should help :)

6:43 AM  
Blogger Composer said...

Wow! Thanks for all the info! I love you ladies.

...but what does AF mean?

1:31 PM  
Blogger geenalyn said...

lol AF= aunt flo

7:23 PM  
Blogger Greyhound Girl said...

Do it. That's what showers and soap are for. Go Vix!

12:05 PM  
Blogger phishez said...

I think its one of the best times to go for it. So long as you're aware that the risk of transmitting any diseases is higher at that time.

But it feels fantastic. When you have a cramp you massage it. What better way to ease period pains and cramps?

Ultimately though, it comes down to what you want, and if you can get her in the mood.

12:47 AM  

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