We all are. A friend was recently talking about this. He reached the conclusion that everyone is crazy, it pretty much just comes down to how well you hide it.
So, that admitted, here is my crazy view of the perfect woman, and what that translates to in what I look for physically.
First, she must be intelligent. Physically, to me, this usually means glasses.

She must be strong, physically this translates to short hair.
She must, at the same time, be elegant and womanly (not GIRLy)... physically this translates to being slender and graceful.

Finally, there has to be something different about her. Personality, sense of humor, something has to set her apart. Things that usually set a girl apart physically for me is fair skin, red hair, etc.

Like I've said before, this stuff never keeps me from dating around... but they are the things that turn me on the most.
P.S. Notice that Kiera Knightly comes up a lot in these pictures. That's because I love her and want to have her babies.
You know you might have to fight me for Kiera don't you??? That chick is *SMOKING* hot....::::swoon::::....
Or...we could just share her. :) Even better plan!
Well put honey! Well put.
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