Wednesday, December 13, 2006

POST #100

It would be prudent, since this is my 100th post, to do the 100 things about me meme.

But I don't wanna.

Instead, I'll tell you a bit about my day and then do a different meme. Suck it, prudent.


I think it's funny that every time it seems I'm having a shitty day, something happens that keeps me from getting to bask in the glow of my own pissyness. For instance.

I was already having a fairly crappy day. I'm tired from staying up till 4 working on a project (which still isn't done), from having a long day, and I'm about to go sing in a choir concert that I really don't want to sing in, with a growing headache to boot.

Then my friend calls at 6:55 and reminds me that I was supposed to call her at 4 to help with one of her final projects. I've been helping her with it all semester at no personal gain, and never thought much of it, but tonight she chewed me out because apparently it's due tomorrow and she can't meet tonight after the concert.

Obviously she never told me either of these things, or I wouldn't have forgot.

So I storm off to the concert, hurt that I've just been spit in the face by someone I've been helping, and try to make it through without ripping someone's head off. I see her afterwards and instead of a real apology she just acts like it wasn't a big deal. I had to really hold back.

But then, on the walk home, this sweet asian guy (that I've always suspected...) ran up to me and asked me for my phone number. Ha! I'm not homophobic in the least, but it always catches me off guard a bit. The sudden realization of what was happening completely took my focus off how pissed I was.

So, moral of the story: when life hands you lemons... go find a gay guy?


1. I've come to realize that my family...

is a bunch of dorks, just like me, and I love them for it.

2. I am listening to...

nothing, I enjoy silence fairly often, being constantly bombarded with music here.

3. I talk...

not much, even around those I know. I'm quiet and calm, and only get more quiet when I'm angry.

4. I love...

family, piano, beer, girls, sex, my career, sex, did I say sex? sex, the internet, food, myself (in the good way, not the cocky way), Martial arts (betcha didn't know), lying next to someone you actually want to be lying next to.

5. My best friend...

can be a douche, but I love him.

6. My first kiss was...

unexpected and not very special.

7. I lost my virginity...

to someone I loved very much and feel vindicated for waiting as long as I did.

8. I hate it when people...

can't let shit go, are drama queens, yell, get worked up over nothing, end answers without punctuation

9. Love is...

Something that I still believe in, despite it all.

10. Marriage is...

something that I still plan on being a part of my life.

11. Somewhere, someone is thinking...

“I need another beer" - oh, that's me.

12. I'll always...

Remember the ones that matter.

13. I have a secret crush on...

A few girls at school, hopefully they won't be secret too long.

14. The last time I cried was because...

of LL, 2 years ago.

15. My cell phone...

Is too fancy for my own good.

16. When I wake up in the morning...

I'm grumpy as shit.

17. Before I go to sleep at night...

I have to wind down.

18. Right now I am thinking about...

“I need another beer"

19. Babies are...

Delicious with honey mustard.

20. Today I...

told you already, get off me.

21. Tonight I will...

drink and try to forget.

22. Tomorrow I will...

rinse and repeat.

23. I really want...

a successful career, a partner I truly love, you know, the classics.


Blogger EE said...

Humpf, well I would have liked to have read 100 things about you. Oh

"When life hands you lemons.....go find a gay guy" *snort!* You crack me up. Sorry for the crappy day. Your 'friend' that you are helping sounds like a piece of work. Ugh.

*Smooches* dearheart, off to get another beer ;)

8:20 PM  
Blogger Composer said...

Thanks lady, and sorry, 100 things is just too much to know about me. :)

8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can understand those crappy days...I'm having few of them lately...


9. Love is...

Something that I still believe in, despite it all.

I want to believe that too!!!!

Hope your day get better!

10:21 AM  
Blogger Bree said...

"Rinse and Repeat" - you're Classic honey...LOL!!!

Been tryin' to comment for a while, but beta was blockin'.

Congrats on the 100!

1:56 PM  
Blogger Composer said...

Suri - It gets better... It won't ever be OK until you find someone else as good or better, but dealing with everything does get easier.

Breeze - DUDE, I can't get to your blog anymore! What the crap? Are you still blogging in the same place? Everytime I click on your blog it goes to some weird ad...

2:49 PM  
Blogger EE said...

*sigh* Breezy has ditched us....Professor and I get the same weird ass thing. LMAO! Breezy girl, we love you, share the love honey, what the hell did you do with your damn blog?! ;)

9:16 PM  

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