Wednesday, August 23, 2006


The last few days have been pretty damn busy. I moved in everything on Saturday with my friend who went with us and my dad. With just the 3 of us, it only took us an hour to get everything from the trailer to the room... we were damn proud of ourselves.

The next 2 days were spent arranging the apartment and making getting the utilities going. Friend flew home monday morning and dad left yesterday morning. I just finished putting the finishing touches on the place (hanging mirrors, organizing closet, buying booze), and finally feel like I'm ready to enjoy the city a little... only problem: I don't know a fucking soul up here.

I'm not going to lie, that's made the getting over K situation worse. With hour after hour of not being around other people... well, you know what they say about idle minds. It's not so much that it's idle, I'm keeping pretty busy... but I need some human (preferably female) contact.

...speaking of that. Here's something you might not know about me. My number of sexual partners is low. Very low. I'm fine with that. I've never been with someone I don't care about, and I planned to keep it that way... but I don't know. Lately, I've been having the urge to fuck anything attractive with 2 legs and a 'gina. I worry about what I might do, given the opportunity. Is this a part of the getting over someone phase? I don't know.

I had a talk with a good female friend from home who is going through the same thing. Her thoughts are that the only way to truly move on from a love lost is to find someone new. This is interesting. After the last girl I felt strongly for, LL, I almost immediately started dating J (a.k.a. the nympho... God I miss her). I didn't have strong feelings for J. I liked her, she was comfortable to be around, but not a ton of fun. We stayed together for probably 4 or 5 months. I think even having that mediocre relationship after LL did help me move on.

by the way... mediocre... except the nympho part. DAMN, THAT WAS AWESOME. I have to say that ya'll who said this a while back are right - it's very important to be with someone that is a sexual match. I want it all the time. Several times a day? Cool with me. I've noticed that my libido has freaked out more than one girl lately... which I don't think is really fair. I think it's healthy to love sex - and no one should be made to feel ashamed of that.

....Anyways, I've gotten off track here. Here are observations from my first few days in a new town.

- I believe I'm the only white man in Baltimore. Not a problem, just pretty new, considering where I came from.
- My apartment is BEAUTIFUL. Tall ceilings, HUGE windows, great views. I'll post pictures soon (my old digital camera was broken during the move).
- Going to the gym sucks as much as I thought it would.
- Walking everywhere is such a welcome change from driving. I still have my car, but it's so refreshing to be outside so much.
- DVR (same as a Tivo) is the greatest invention of all time.
- Not knowing a soul in a huge town is intimidating and refreshing at the same time. It's hard to explain.
- And oh yeah - I *heart* boobies.


Blogger Bree said...

Welcome to the east coast honey!!!
Check out the town. There's TONS of great places to meet people.

You'll be just fine. Glad you're safe!!!

4:41 PM  
Blogger Composer said...

Thanks Breeze! I'd love to hear of any places you know of!

p.s. you bet your ass I ended that sentence with a preposition... MOFO!

7:35 PM  
Blogger EE said...

-And oh yeah- I *heart* boobies

LMAO! You're so cute. (and wow do we have so much in common! ;)

Glad you've gotten moved in ok and that you love your apt so much.

I kind of agree with your friend, about the best way to move on, get over someone is to find someone new. Mainly bc it gets your mind off of the ex and focused on the someone new. I dunno.

Hope you start meeting people. :)


4:57 AM  
Blogger Greyhound Girl said...

Hey I am soooo glad you are there safe and sound! I also udnerstand the not knowing a damn soul isolation lonely type of feeling. Here's to hoping you meet people soon!

4:46 PM  
Blogger Miss Sarah said...

GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS UP W/ THE I *HEART* SHIT!? Ask EE to fill you in w/ my obsessivness w/ that!!

Wish I still knew some flight attendants from that area. I'll have to think about that....

The East coast is a verrrrrry different way of life from the Midwest. People are very different. (No offense Breezy-- I still love you.) I mean that in a general sense. It's just a whole new way of life. I lived in VA, near Dulles for a few years... I'll have to think of some hot spots for ya.

6:33 PM  

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