Tuesday, January 09, 2007


So these are some things I'm curious about. Ladies... help me out here. (I'll tell you my feeling about these things soon). Explanations are welcomed.

1. Music during sex. Good or Bad?
2. Chest hair on guys. Should they shave it?
3. Hair down south on guys. Should they trim it?
4. Hard sex. Yay or nay?
5. Would you date someone shorter than you?
6. If you really liked someone but the sex wasn't there, would you try to teach them?
7. Do you like it when guys go down on you?
8. Would you kiss them afterward?
9. Would you do a long distance relationship?
10. How long do you wait before messing around? Sex?

Like I said, curious. If any make you uncomfortable, feel free to not answer those. Peace.


Blogger geenalyn said...

1. Eh i can take or leave it....i'm not really listening to it during sex anyhow, i'm listening to the dirty talk thats going on
2. chest hair is okay if its just a tiny patch, if you've got a fur coat on your chest then ewwww
3. I'm perfectly fine with hair down south on a guy....to me it just looks weird without it
4. hard sex is great, but not all the time
5. defintely, height doesn't matter
6. if i really liked them, then sure i'd try to teach them. Its not like everyone is great fresh out of the starting gate...but he better be a quick learner
7. GAWD YES!! love love LOVE it
8. i used to not, but then i thought about it and thought it was kinda stupid not to...especially since i love kissing
9. done it...hardest thing i've ever done...but so worth it
10. well see with my hubby i laid eyes on him for the first time in person and we were messing around right after (we met online)...and we had sex that night lol.

4:42 PM  
Blogger EE said...

1. Music during sex. Good or Bad?
*Doesn't matter to me. I don't like to 'plan' sex and that includes 'setting up' a moment. Not into that.

2. Chest hair on guys. Should they shave it?
*I like the bare minimum. Shave it. I suppose a very small amt is ok but much more than that, no thanks.

3. Hair down south on guys. Should they trim it?
*TRIM IT. Better yet. Do away with it all together. But at the very least keep it trimmed. Not into jungles. LOL

4. Hard sex. Yay or nay?
*it has it's place. ;)

5. Would you date someone shorter than you?
*well...I'm only 5.4...so I suppose I could date them and try it. But I have a feeling I would feel uncomfortable. I love to wear heels to go out and if I'm taller than them *regularly* than I'd be towering over them in heels. So I'd prefer not to.

6. If you really liked someone but the sex wasn't there, would you try to teach them?
*Well...I would give it a few tries. But honestly I think sexual chemistry and compatibility is *very* important. So if it's not there after trying a bit. Moving along.....

7. Do you like it when guys go down on you?
*as long as they can do it right, OH YEAH! If not....no thanks. Don't bother.

8. Would you kiss them afterward?
*Absolutely. ....course this is coming from a chick who digs chicks (and loves to do, um, THAT)...so my opinion might be slightly jaded a bit. ;)

9. Would you do a long distance relationship?
*I have. I would.

10. How long do you wait before messing around? Sex?
*I have no idea how to answer this.....I don't have a 'set' time. When it feels right. How's that for my answer? LOL

9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it plans, sure, i don't mind. but if doesn't, I won't worry about it.

Uhmmmm...I don't mind. Really. But not a lot. But I have never been with a guy with chest hair.

3- Yes, trim it. All of it. I love it clean.

4- Ahhhhhhh... Yay. Oh yeah. But it depends of my mood.

5- Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm 5'5 and i love to be hug...and put my head in the chest. No into shorter guys. Sorry!

6- I may try. Learning is a process in which at the end, I may learn something too.

7-Of course. For me there is not right or wrong way to do that.

8-Oh yeah, I love how I taste...so! LOL

9- I had. He didn't like it. I would do it again.

10- how long? hmmmm, it depends, depends of the chemestry and how he looks at me.

This is a great Curiosity quiz!!!

12:35 PM  
Blogger Bree said...

1. Really depends, can do with or without.

2. Chest hair used to bother me. It really depends on the person, but usually at first glance, it grosses me out a bit.

3. Some hair down there is okay, and when I mean some - I mean I don't want hair on my face when I sit up ;-) This isn't the 70's!

4. Good and Bad - depends on the mood.

5. I have once or twice - not a fan. My "type" is usually 5'9 or taller. I'm about 5'3, and wear lots of heels - so I like to be at least eye height. Plus I love the feeling of being embraced by a taller man. hmmmm.... that is not saying that is Brad Pitt was 5'2 I wouldn't date him LOL!

6. Yes and no. In college, I hooked up with a guy at a party and I thought it was going to be a one nighter until he told me he was a virgin - so in that case - NO. But anyway that I would have to "show" for a, say longer period of time (i.e. he wasn't getting it) - it would have to end. There has to be some chemistry there.

7. Hmmm...yes.

8. Hmmm...yes.

9. I would say yes.

10. *giggle* I try not to put "guidelines" on things - it really just depends.

Did you make up this 'curiousity quiz' honey? If so I have a question for you. Would you kiss a girl after she went down on you?

Anyway - finally listened to your Mvts today - amazing, absolutely.amazing!

3:36 PM  
Blogger Composer said...

Thanks for answering ladies! Very interesting. I did write this myself... just some stuff I'd been wondering. I'm intrigued that everyone has or would do a long distance relationship... and that you all like guys going down. I've run into a lot of girls who wouldn't even let me try.

And thanks for stopping by Elizabeth! Is that a picture of you? You're hot!

I'll answer these from my perspective as a guy.. and maybe what I thought girls would do.

1. Music during sex.

I asked because it always seems weird to NOT have music or some other noise going. Even with dirty talk and moaning, you can still hear the ...slurping... sounds. A little weird. I prefer music, but I agree, planned sex sux.

2. Chest hair on guys.

I shave, and all girls seem to like it. I've thought about not from time.

3. Hair down south on guys.

I shave around and underneath, and then trim on top.. it's clean, but not pornstar clean. On girls, I like a small patch. No hair is OK, but I think it sometimes gets stubbly and there are ingrown hairs. I like the landing strip.

4. Hard sex.

I really like slow, deep and "strong"... but hard is equally good (and probably what I'm best at). If a girl absoloutely didn't like hard sex, I could deal.

5. Would you date someone shorter than you? For me, would I date someone taller than me?

I'm 5'10" so it's pretty rare to run into someone taller, but it does happen. TS, the girl I saw last weekend is my height in heels. One high school girlfriend was my height without heels. It's tough to feel manly when you're looking up at your girlfriend, but if I really liked someone, I'd do it.

6. If you really liked someone but the sex wasn't there, would you try to teach them?

I'd have to really like them, but if they're worth it? Absoloutely. I'd stick with it for a long time before I gave up.

7. Do you like it when guys go down on you?

I love going down on girls as long as everything is clean and fresh down there. If I think they're really hot and it's taken care of, I could do it all damn day. And I love BJs, but I like giving a little more.

8. Would you kiss them afterward?

I've only ran into 1 girl who would kiss me after going down on her. If I cum in a girl's mouth, I kiss her, but mainly because it's only fair. I mean. I just came in her mouth. I don't like it, I just do it.

9. Would you do a long distance relationship?

Of course.

10. How long do you wait before messing around? Sex?

I wait a while. I'm ALMOST always dissapointed if a girl puts out too quickly. The exception was K, I didn't think less of her because it was obvious we were both really feeling it on the 2nd date.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Vixen said...

Oooo, this was fun to answer and I really enjoyed reading your answers as well.

Kuddos. ;)

10:36 PM  

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