Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thursday 13

Thirteen current TV shows I'm hooked on

1. US Open - I played a lot of tennis back in the day, and I haven't missed it for a while... but holy crap, I am hooked on the open, and I want to get out and play!

2. Conan O'Brian - The funniest man alive, I'm taking a trip to NY in a month or two to see a live taping!

3. The Daily Show - Jon Stewart for President, 08! (I'll also be catching a taping of this while in NY)

4. The Colbert Report - Stewart's running mate (I'm not joking, I would vote for them...)

5. Family Guy - I am a sucker for a silly, childish joke, and this is just chock-full of 'em.

6. Reno 911 - hilarious.

7. Stand up comedy - I have about 15 comedy central presents saved on my DVR. I'm not joking.

8. Scrubs - what was that about a silly, childish joke?

9. Stargate SG-1 - Make fun all you like, but good music, good writing, it's just a good show.

10. Stargate Atlantis - not as good as SG-1, but I still watch it.

11. Battlestar Galactica - The new one, not the crappy old one. It's a little (a lot) dramatic, but it's addictive. Awesome music, effects, and battle scenes.

12. Ultimate fighter - Or anything of the like, I spent several years in martial arts and I still love to watch.

13. Football - Chiefs. Hells yes.

Alright, alright, they're probably going to suck ass this year. Whatever.


First day of class today (frickin' finally), met my composition teacher and some of the other faculty and students. I think I'm going to really like it here - and I'm going to love the composition seminar...

I hate to sound mean, but DAMN, there are some dorky kids in composition. These kids make Screech look like Christian Bale. I said a small prayer today for their social lives, which are no doubt in critical condition.


There are also some ATTRACTIVE women walking around... which is great, because I'm finally starting to get to the point of at least putting in some effort. I don't know if I feel ready for a relationship, but I do feel ready to get back on the dating horse.

I think this is directly related to my feelings towards K. I finally feel as though I don't want her back. I really don't. Also, the thought of her being with someone else (which wouldn't surprise me), doesn't fuck me up anymore. That's something I could accept, I don't care if she's fucking somebody else... and that's a big step.

The anger is still there though, and I don't know a remedy. I've pondered calling her to get it all out. Not in a scream-fest, I don't do that (I've never yelled at anyone, ever), but just calmly telling her all my feelings. She mistreated me, and she lied to me through her words and actions about wanting to be together.

I think that as time goes on, it's going to be sillier and sillier to bring these feelings up to her. If I do want to do it, I should do it soon. I don't know if there is a right or a wrong here, and I don't know whether doing so would help or hurt.

Either way, she talked big about wanting to stay friends, but of course, I haven't heard from her for 2 weeks, and it's been 3 weeks since she's called me. I don't feel like I'd be losing a friend by offending her, because we're not going to be friends anyway. What a bitch.


What was I talking about? Oh yeah, other girls. Speaking of which, I'm going to go call the singer girl right now. Peace.


Blogger Greyhound Girl said...

Glad classes started...that should be good!

I don't watch any shows you do, except football. Not sure why I felt the need to point that out but...

To hell with K! Go get 'em tiger! remember me out in the middle of MT if you ever get lonely again! I'm cheering for ya!

7:07 PM  
Blogger Bree said...

Please don't the chiefs in my face brotha'... you're on the east coast now deal wit the Eagles and love it!!! ;-)

Who the *eff* said Threesome... don't leave me out.. I'm all about it. Even though i'm not posting per say, I still want in on the action.

Miss y'all!!!

7:46 PM  
Blogger Miss Sarah said...

Not that I'm defending her, but sometimes when relationships start out you have great intentions and say things that you mean... at the time. Maybe that was the case with her? Who the hell knows?! I say just leave it be and don't bother calling her. It'll make her wonder what you're up to out there. :)

8:38 PM  
Blogger EE said...

Yep, I'm w/ my other chickies on this one. I wouldn't get in touch w/ K. It's just...pointless. I agree w/ Sarah in that it really sounded to me like K might have said some things in an effort to "be nice". Continue to move on like you have. :)

I'm glad school has started and you seemed so stoked about it.

Of all your TV shows, Scrubs caught my attention. I quit watching it last season but it was a really cute show.

5:28 AM  

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