Thursday, January 11, 2007


I flew back today. It was actually pretty nice. There were about 20 people on the plane, so I got to lay down and sleep. Then the flight got in 30 minutes early, so I had time to go grocery shopping before my rehearsal this evening.

Traveling is much more bearable when you already feel settled into both the destination and the departure point. I pretty much feel at home in both places.

That's not to say I'm not going to miss home. I am, quite a bit. I had a great time this break, seeing friends and family, settling back into my home, eating out, relaxing. It was good. Also, I think things with TS might (I emphasize might) be going somewhere, too, so it would be nice to be closer.

But. I feel more ready for school this time. I'm familiar with everything now. I'm comfortable with the work, the city, my friends, and I'm not reeling over a girl anymore. I think this is going to be a much better semester.


Thanks again for playing along in the quiz folks! It was fun.


Blogger EE said...

Welcome home. :)

6:34 AM  

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