Friday, March 02, 2007


Busy busy, which is good and bad. I've developed more of a rhythm for my writing lately, which is GREAT. I'm still not writing as much as I was last year, but I'm working towards it. I think my head is in the right place now to make good music, I just need to devote the proper time, and it's getting better.

So, most free moments I'm sitting down at the piano or computer and writing my ass off. The problem is I don't feel like I have free time for anything else. I don't want to stop to write blog entries or clean my apartment (you should have seen it last week) or eat or go out. I'm getting stuff done, so I can't complain, but I've got some ideas for blocking off composing time (more like last year), so I don't feel so much like I have to do it every free moment.


GREAT NEWS. The director of the wind ensemble (band) here at my new school has decided to have his group play my band piece next year.


This is big. None of the other composers are having their music played by any of the large ensembles here. None. In fact, I don't know that ANY composition students have ever had their music played by the band or orchestra while they were in school here.

Having this piece playing in my undergraduate was good, having it played here is PHENOMENAL. This school is a big name, and some good things are bound to come from this.

AND, that's not the only big news. I got into the masters of music education program, so I'm now a double masters student in composition and education. F - yeah. AND, I'm in the running for an assistantship with the education program that would pay my FULL tuition. Somebody pinch me.


Just watched this new show, The Black Donnellys. I honestly thought it didn't look like a very good mob show, but let me tell you, the pilot show was awesome. This is the end of the first show, so be warned for a spoiler, at your own risk, but I thought some of you might appreciate the music choice. The show is done well, check it out!


Well, it's 2:50 in the morning, and you know what that means. Back to writing! Love ya'll.


Blogger EE said...

And he makes an appearance! Good to have an update :)

OMG, that is just AWESOME! *AWESOME* About the piece being played, about the masters program..... You are so freaking talented it gives me chills.

*smooches* you!

6:38 AM  
Blogger Miss Sarah said...

Hey you! Way to go!!!! Sounds like things are definately going well for you!!!! PINCH!

1:13 PM  
Blogger Composer said...

EE - Thanks lady! Very sweet of you, and good to hear from ya!

Sarah - WOW! Haven't heard from you in a while! How ya been hottie? And - OUCH! You weren't supposed to pinch my ass!

3:01 PM  

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