Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Then this post is for you.

These are some bands that really inspire me.

Fall Out Boy has some really awesome rhythms. It's amazing how catchy their stuff is. These songs are more lighthearted, but they range in the intensity of the lyrics.

Fall Out Boy - Dance, Dance

Fall Out Boy - This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race

A.F.I. has been around for a while. I'm just becoming familiar with them, but apparently they used to be a more hardcore punk band. I got their new CD and I just love how different every song is. Some are Emo (Love Like Winter), some are hardcore punk, and some even sound like hip-hop (...with a twist - Prelude 12/21)

A.F.I. - Love Like Winter

A.F.I. - Prelude 12/21

Snow Patrol is pretty good. Out of all these songs, this reminds me the most of my own style. Note the long, repetitive buildup to the climax. It works so well because it draws you in almost like hypnosis and then slowly builds in intensity. Very powerful, I think.

Snow Patrol - Open Your Eyes (not a real video... but a good song, nonetheless)

My Chemical Romance is really great. Personally I don't think they have any one "best" song like some of these others, but what's great is they're really consistent. I can't find a song on either of their CDs I own that I don't like.

My Chemical Romance - The Ghost of You

My Chemical Romance - Cancer


Blogger EE said...

Ok....the lead singer of A.F.I scares me. LMAO....scary dude. I may be having nightmares about him tonight....

Interesting diversity in music. I love that song by Fall Out Boy, 'Dance,Dance'. And I've told you this before, but Snow Patrol is hands down my most favorite band right now. One of the few bands out there that I love pretty much all they have out there. They are coming to town in March and I have tickets. I am stoked....*STOKED* I tell ya! Wanna join me??? ;)

9:03 PM  
Blogger Composer said...

Haha, I know, he's a little freaky... but I love it. I don't know why, but I've always had a wierd affinity for punk rock people.

I'd love to join you! Just send me the plane ticket....

11:50 AM  

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