Monday, November 06, 2006


So, blind date girl came over last night. She has to be the first girl I've ever met who admits to enjoying sci-fi. It's definetly a plus. We watched Family Guy and Battlestar Galactica, it was nice.

After that, we promptly attacked one another. Things went further this time, and I had to really fight to not have the sex. It's NOT easy. I have a certain kind of body type that I really go for, and while blind date girl doesn't really have it, her body is still rockin'. ROCKIN'.

So, she ended up staying the night, and now I'm exhausted from a combination of lack of sleep and having to get up early to take her home.

Dilemma: I'm 99% sure I don't want to have sex with this girl. She is fun to be around, but I can see the fun fading in the future. Maybe a while back I would have thought her to be relationship material.. but I'm pretty sure that most of my feelings for her are coming from my pants. Not good.

Do I break it off now? Technically, things are going fine, but I know that if I stay with her much longer, I'm going to be weak one night and do it... and I don't want that.

I don't see much other options, besides trying to keep it at just casual dating... which may or may not work... who knows.


In case anyone is wondering, there are reasons I don't see this working out. She is -

Princessy (makes me pick her up when she could easily walk)
Self absorbed (doesn't ask me questions, just talks... and talks... and.. you get the point)
Politically misguided (don't ask)
Has smelly hair (ok, this only happened last night... but seriously, it was a little weird)
The jealous type

She's also (to be fair) very funny, affectionate, and sweet... just the cons outweigh the pros this time.


Blogger Greyhound Girl said...

Smelly hair? Politically misguided? princessy? LMAO! I know, I know...I understand, but I love they way you turned the phrases, hunny. Dump her. The smelly hair is a deal breaker!

2:34 PM  
Blogger EE said...

I'm seriously intrigued as to what your 'certain type of body type' you go for.....insanely'll have to share sometime....I'll hold you to it ;)

Awww...don't judge her *too* harshly on being 'princessy', *I'M* princessy, w/ a capital "P".....*snort* It's the OTHER things that concern me.

You are young. Don't beat yourself up over a good time. "We" know where you true intentions lie...with your heart and not your, uh, *ahem*, 'other' area of your body.

I do have to agree w/ Professor though.....smelly hair is a deal breaker. Fuck, whatever. Smelly ANYTHING is a deal breaker, you know?! LOL!

10:20 PM  

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