Alright. You know, I should have seen this coming, but I have become thoroughly annoyed with KC. For those who don't remember (for all 2 or 3 people who read this, ha!), that is my piano playing female friend that I recently had to let down gently because I wasn't interested.
My group of friends and I went out to a classy bar last night, and we were all having a good time. Somehow, whenever KC drinks, it becomes my responsibility to watch her, which becomes very frustrating when
A: she gets hammered by a glass of wine (I'm serious)
B: there are other girls around that I want to talk to
C: there are other friends around that I want to talk to
D: I don't want to babysit all night when I go out
So, I spend the first hour of the night rationing her a glass of wine little by little until, at some point, I decide that I've had enough and go around to chat with other girls. Now, for the record, there weren't any other girls there I was really interested in, one girl's married, and the other 3 are not my type. There was one new girl there and I was slightly interested, but I decided after a short time that she also wasn't my type, BUT, I was still enjoying a fun conversation with her.
Of course, as that was happening, KC, without me there, downs the rest of her wine, and proceeds to try to cock-block me the rest of the night. I'm trying to have an intelligent conversation and she CONTINUALLY walks (nay, stumbles) right inbetween this girl and I and wraps her arms around me and seriously won't let go. I can't figure out if I would be more frustrated if I actually TRYING to get some action, but I wasn't, and it pissed me off plenty.
So, by the time we left the bar to get some late night food, I had ignored her for a while... BUT, annoyed as I was, I made it a point to put my arm around her while we were walking and chat for a little bit (because I understand the whole jealousy thing, even if I don't approve in this case)
Well, when we get to the restaurant and sit down, I look around and realize she's not there. She ducked out without saying anything and went home. WTF? When I got home last night I sent her a message asking if she was alright, no response by the time I woke up. Well, I just called her to ask if she's ok. She says, "Well, I'm mad right now, I don't want to talk about it." WTF?! If there's one thing I can't stand, it's bad communication skills, and that is terrible, all she's doing there is telling me that we're going to have an argument, but I get to wait until she's good and ready. I hate hate hate that.
I couldn't really pretend, at that point, to care. I don't know what she thinks she has to be mad about, but I'm pretty offended by the whole thing. If she doesn't like it that I want to talk to other girls, she's going to have to deal. Period.
As I write this, I'm watching I Am Sam with Sean Penn... If you haven't seen it, please do, it's one of the strongest, most touching films I've ever seen.
Alright. You know, I should have seen this coming, but I have become thoroughly annoyed with KC. For those who don't remember (for all 2 or 3 people who read this, ha!), that is my piano playing female friend that I recently had to let down gently because I wasn't interested.
My group of friends and I went out to a classy bar last night, and we were all having a good time. Somehow, whenever KC drinks, it becomes my responsibility to watch her, which becomes very frustrating when
A: she gets hammered by a glass of wine (I'm serious)
B: there are other girls around that I want to talk to
C: there are other friends around that I want to talk to
D: I don't want to babysit all night when I go out
So, I spend the first hour of the night rationing her a glass of wine little by little until, at some point, I decide that I've had enough and go around to chat with other girls. Now, for the record, there weren't any other girls there I was really interested in, one girl's married, and the other 3 are not my type. There was one new girl there and I was slightly interested, but I decided after a short time that she also wasn't my type, BUT, I was still enjoying a fun conversation with her.
Of course, as that was happening, KC, without me there, downs the rest of her wine, and proceeds to try to cock-block me the rest of the night. I'm trying to have an intelligent conversation and she CONTINUALLY walks (nay, stumbles) right inbetween this girl and I and wraps her arms around me and seriously won't let go. I can't figure out if I would be more frustrated if I actually TRYING to get some action, but I wasn't, and it pissed me off plenty.
So, by the time we left the bar to get some late night food, I had ignored her for a while... BUT, annoyed as I was, I made it a point to put my arm around her while we were walking and chat for a little bit (because I understand the whole jealousy thing, even if I don't approve in this case)
Well, when we get to the restaurant and sit down, I look around and realize she's not there. She ducked out without saying anything and went home. WTF? When I got home last night I sent her a message asking if she was alright, no response by the time I woke up. Well, I just called her to ask if she's ok. She says, "Well, I'm mad right now, I don't want to talk about it." WTF?! If there's one thing I can't stand, it's bad communication skills, and that is terrible, all she's doing there is telling me that we're going to have an argument, but I get to wait until she's good and ready. I hate hate hate that.
I couldn't really pretend, at that point, to care. I don't know what she thinks she has to be mad about, but I'm pretty offended by the whole thing. If she doesn't like it that I want to talk to other girls, she's going to have to deal. Period.
As I write this, I'm watching I Am Sam with Sean Penn... If you haven't seen it, please do, it's one of the strongest, most touching films I've ever seen.
Ok, yes I'd have to agree w/ you on that one. I HATE when people do that. Get rid of this one!!!
Uh....are you SURE she got the memo that you are NOT interested in her in 'that' way????
What bizarre behavior on her part. And a chick who can't handle her alcohol (seriously, a *GLASS* of wine?!) is bad news. With a capital 'B'.
I'm sorry she seemed to have ruined your night.
never party with a chick who can't hold her booze!
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