Friday, January 19, 2007


That's all I can say of blind date girl. She's a bitch!

As you might remember, I actually had to call her and make her break up with me. Break up, is a term I'm using loosely, because we weren't together, we were barely dating... but I don't take kindly to people playing games, and she was obviously acting distant and bitchy to try to get me to break up with her. How old are we?

So I called and told her if she wanted to break up with me, she should just do it. She began spewing that things were fine now but there was no future blah blah etc. Whatever, I'm cool with it.

Well, new semester rolls around. I haven't talked to her since that conversation, but I assume we're all adults and can handle ourselves as such.


I walk into a courtyard/walkway and see her chatting on her cell phone. I'm walking with someone else and I wave at her. She sees me and turns away. Ok... so as we near her I say "hey, what's up?" and she actually turns her entire body away from me.

So... here's the message I sent her when I got home -

"come on ____... I can't believe you actually wouldn't say hello to me or at least smile politely today. What's up with that?

I have no problem with you, and I have no idea why you'd have one with me. Didn't you do the breaking up? I don't expect to be best friends, but you're better than that, right?"

As expected, no response. I'm at a loss. I haven't experienced anything like this since high school. One bitchy girl in college was pretty childish, but at least she acknowledged me. 23 years old folks. 23.


I've been hanging out with the new girl, HR pretty frequently. I remain ...confused about whether it's worth persuing.

Maybe I should rephrase that. She's smart. Talented (very). Beautiful. Genuinely sweet, and sincere. She's worth persuing. She's an amazing girl.

But is she right for me? Still on the fence. Normally by this point, I would determine that if I'm not sure, that's the answer I need - not for me. Here's why I'm delaying that decision. I feel like she's holding back. She seems nervous, or ...something, I don't know. I want her to be more comfortable around me, but I don't know any ways to do that without leading her on (things that loosen me up and make me more comfortable with someone are cuddling, kissing, and sex). As of right now we've done nothing more than hug, and I'd like to keep it that way before I decide a bit more. ...I think that's a good idea...

But as of right now the conversation is fairly one sided. I have to start most of them. Every once in a while she says something really funny. But it's not there like it should be. Loosing hope, but it's still there for the moment.


Blogger EE said...

Seriously, WTH?! What is HER problem?! [shaking head]

Whatever. Move past it. We here all know you are WAY better than she apparently is. At the very least more mature.

And hey, you never know w/ this new chick. See where it goes! It may surprise you...... ;)

11:06 PM  
Blogger Bree said...

Ewww.... I can't stand people like that! Just blow her off, she's not worth one IOTA of your time!

And as for your new lady, I'm with EE. It seems you are putting boundaries or labels on it or you want to. Maybe she's nervous or intimidated, I mean you are increadibly smoking hot :-)

Break the ice! Get some drinks, and go with the flow. And if it's still bothering you, why don't you talk about it with her.

7:57 AM  
Blogger Greyhound Girl said...

Hey the girls said it all! I agree!

3:15 PM  

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