Saturday, May 05, 2007


Um... so Pageant Girl's new nickname should probably be dirty girl, because damn. I woke up this morning with some serious "love" marks.

Yeah, we had some sex. And it was good.

So, the story with her. The jury is kinda out at the moment. She is the serious relationship type, which is fine... but she's already pushing for a relationship which makes me wonder whether she really likes me or if she just needs to be in a relationship. As I've said before, I take relationships very seriously and I won't get in one unless I see it going somewhere.

Luckily, I've got some time to figure it out... I'm leaving for home in under 2 weeks and I won't be able to see her for several months.

I do think, though, that she's a good girl and I like being around her, but I'm not getting into a relationship right now. I've got all summer to date!


by the way, in case you're wondering. There's been no HNT because I'm once again sick. I went to the doctor again and they think I've developed new allergies from moving to Baltimore. But these "allergies" are fucking severe, and I've just felt sick to varying degrees for the last 5 weeks.

I'll let you all know when I'm better, but for the meantime, no HNT... boo.