Friday, June 30, 2006


I'm jumping on the HNT bandwagon, even if it is a bit late. Here's me!

Please feel free to touch yourself inappropriately.


Hells yes! Thanks for the kind words Professy, I'll have to keep on my A game with the wit. Not to mention, I might start posting some shirtless pics... if you ask nicely!

Monday, June 26, 2006


Really. I don't need it, and I don't want it. The ex is ridiculous. She called me tonight, upset about last night. Let me explain the situation a bit first.

She and I broke up about a month ago, over the fact that she had a problem in forgiving me for something stupid I said. I told her that if we had problems over small stupid things like that (I actually said that, yay me), that we could never survive a long distance relationship when I move across the country in a month and a half. Regardless of these very good grounds for a breakup, we both maintained an interest in the other.

About a week after that, C showed interest, and she and I started dating. Moving on a bit fast? Maybe. But. I'm leaving soon, and I really don't have time to waste (there are panties do be ripped off here, people).

About a week later, I told ex, because I sensed that she might still have some interest, and I wanted to be honest. WELL, she threw a hissy, and demanded to know if I had left her for C. Left her for C? Who cares if I did? We were only together for a month. But no, I didn't.

She finally got over it, and we started hanging out as friends. Things were good, but I started to realize that my feelings for her were stronger than for C. Last night, I admitted to her that I still have feelings for her and SHE leaned in and kissed ME, a lot. I assumed things were swell.

Then she calls tonight. She tells me that I should have told her a week after we broke up, THEN she would have wanted to date again. She says that because I dated someone else, obviously it wasn't the distance that broke us up (I clarified that one for her dumb ass, the distance would have made her stupid problems seem worse). She makes some other accusations and inflamatory inquisitions, but honestly, I think your IQ might actually lower if I told you about them.

The most ridiculous part? I didn't really care that much about dating her, because I know I'm moving soon anyway, and will probably find a more mature woman several years her junior in Maryland. I told her last night that there was no pressure on her, all she needed to say tonight is that she didn't think it would be a good idea. Fine, I could have dealt with that. But NO, she had to make a drama production out of it. For someone who claims to be mature, she's got some serious stuff to work on.

And here's a rotten cherry on top. She ended the conversation with - "well, I just wanted to ask you about those things, I need to think about it more." Oh, well, I'll be waiting by the phone! (just as soon as I get done giving myself paper cuts and punching myself in the groin for fun!). She can kiss my ass.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

A - Available: and enjoying it!
A - Age: 22, 12 at heart
A - Annoyance: People who drive right next to each other on the highway so you can't pass them, subway employees who don't put enough meat on the sandwhich (I didn't ask for a 6 inch bread sub you bastard!)
B - Best Friends: 2 of em, one artsy, one jock
B - Beer: Michelob Ultra (though I'm told this is a girl beer... by girls... who apparently wanna fight)
B - Birthday: Jan. Buy me shit!
C - Crush: I have a mega-crush on a girl who works at the mall, and a girl at church, but I think they're both involved (I'm really not sure)... I'm gonna stop being a puss, though, and just ask 'em anyways.
C - Car: Like my favorite? I like american muscle cars.... as long as there's plenty of legroom in the back...
C - Candy: Hey! That's my favorite stripper name! Reeses peanut butter cup.
D - Day or night: night.
D - Dream Car: 1969 Camaro with a blower sticking out of the hood.
D - Dog or cat: both are tasty.
E - Easiest person to talk to: Either of my best freinds.
E - Eggs: No, see, men have sperm.
E - Email: Check it 20 times a day.
F - Favorite Month: December (presents, bitches!)
F - Favorite color: I wear dark colors.
F - Favorite Memories: hanging with the friends (I don't have too much time for that anymore)
G - Gummy bears or worms: turn me on equally.
G - Giver or taker: Giver baby (and I do what it takes to get the job done. period.)
G - Gum: I prefer mints.
H - Hair Color: Light brown.
H - Height: 5'10"
H - Happy: Very, but I'm happiest when I'm the most productive, which I'm not being right now.. I need to pick it up
I - Ice Cream: Cake batter with cookie dough, slightly melted (and eaten off a naked woman)
I - Instrument: Piano, trumpet, learning F horn and trombone
I - Idol: A few living composers
J - Jewelry: just the cock ring (is it supposed to be hard for 7 hours at a time?)
J - Job: Choir director
J - Juice: that's too easy.
K - Kids: I'm assuming they're out there. ...nah, none yet.
K - Best kisser: my first love. The perfect mix of hard and soft, enough tounge and a little biting and licking. C ain't bad either...
K - Kindergarten: sucked.
L - Longest Car Ride: anything with my family. Good lord.
L - Longest relationship: 1 1/2 years, off and on, the first love
L - Last Kiss: tonight
M - MILK FLAVOR: breast.
M - Most missed person(s): first love
M - Movie Last Watched: Batman Begins > absoloutely amazing film and music
N - Number of Siblings: 1 sis'tah
N - Number of Tattoos: none yet, but if I can figure out something really meaningful, I'll get something small
N - Name: You two know it
O - ONE WISH: to have the success in my field that will give me the ability to pick and choose projects as I wish
O - One Phobia: being gang raped by a bunch of sorrority girls... scary stuff.
O - One regret: everything that happened, happened for a reason. "all the stumbles and wrong turns brought me here." - Ben Folds. I'm happy with who I am now, and I might not be the man I am today without the shitty decisions I made years ago.
P - Pet Peeves: people who wax poetic about regrets.
P - Part of your appearance you like best: I'm pretty muscular. I like the chest and the arms.
P - Part of your personality you like best: stupid humor
Q - Quick or Slow: wit? Quick depending on who Im around
R - Reason to smile: happy, healthy, horny
R - Reality TV Show: I watch the real world when I'm bored
R - Reasons to cry: one word. BUSH. .... seriously ladies, wax it.
S - Song Last Heard: Sell All My Old Clothes, I'm Off To Heaven.. by Saves The Day
S - Season: Winter
S - Shoe: Chuck Taylor ALL STARS
T - Time you woke: 8:30 today, early for me
T - Time Now: 1:52 AM
T - Time for bed: as soon as i finish this damn thing
U - love someone: Professor
U - Unpredictable: Is he wearing underwear today? NO ONE KNOWS.
V - Vegetable you hate: Cucumber, there's no way I can compete with that kinda girth.
V - Vegetable you love: nice try quizmaster, you won't fool me into healthy eating!
V - Vacation spot: Hawaii, 1 month away!
W- Worst Habits: eating right before bed, sleeping too late (for an adult)
W- Where are you going to travel next?: hoping for a roadtrip to anywhere soon.
W- Weather right now: fantabulous
X - X-Rays: I don't understand the question here
X - X-Rated Porn: yep. Not going to lie.
Y - Year you were born: 1984
Y - Year it is now: that is a ridiculous question
Y - Yellow: so is that
Z - Zoo Animal: Platypus, nature's comic relief
Z - Zodiac: aquarius


ex came over tonight. We kissed for the first time in a month. I would tell you what this means if I knew.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


A dating update. The latest girl... let's call her C, is not out of the picture just yet. She called yesterday to see if I wanted to go to the show tonight. I was already going, why not? We had dinner and saw the show, met up with some friends and had a good time.

Here's my new take on the situation. I like being around her, but I'm not all that into it either, and I have too much self respect to be strung along. I'm going to date around, and when I feel like it, I'll see if she wants to hang out. If I never hear from her again, fine.

Most of my friends have long ago adopted this style of dating, usually dating 2 or 3 women at a time. I never really felt comfortable dating more than one woman at a time, but that's because I usually only date someone for more than a week if I could see myself being with them long term. What's the healthier attitude out of the two? I really don't think it's a good idea to date more than one person at a time, even if one is perfectly honest from the start.

However. I am 22 years old. I am moving across the country in 2 months. I currently have options.... Why not? I don't think any of the girls I'm interested in want a serious relationship either. Frankly, I am looking for a serious relationship, but I'm not opposed to having some fun for the next 2 months.

The options, you ask? Well, the ex is still in the picture. We've been good friends since the breakup... and spending a lot of time together. There are some others too, but honestly, I have the most feelings for the ex. We'll see though, I am happy enough being her friend.

Sorry for all the dating stuff. It's nice to get this stuff out there a bit, since I haven't been able to for so long. I'll balance out soon enough I'm sure.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Giving up

I've been dating a new lady. It became fairly obvious that she wasn't TOO interested as time went on, but this has been extra frustrating. I feel led on. She acted very interested at first, but soon stopped returning phone calls. But, there is the problem. She still calls back, it just takes several days. Now, I am not a high maintenance dater, but it is just rude to not call someone back within a day.

So, we hung out last night, made food, went to get ice cream, talked, kissed... then I heard her today refer to me as her friend. Ouch. I've been led on once before, and it was a crappy, crappy feeling. So, I've decided to let this one go. Normally, I make it a point to end every relationship, or dating relationship, in person... and to never let something just fizzle out, because that is a slap in the face. But, I HATE being led on, and I would like to slap her in the face.

If you don't know what you want, you have to make that crystal clear from the start. It's hurtful, and hateful, to keep someone close enough to date when you're alone, but far enough away to call a friend around others.

The worst part? We're both going to the same show on Saturday... do I have to pretend to still be interested until then? It's a shame, by the way, she is blessed in the looks department. Oh well, more fish.

Hopefully they're not bitches.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

So. I have decided to start a new blog. With my last blog, I grew frustrated as time went on that I couldn't talk about my relationships and other important things because I didn't know how many people I personally knew read it. This time, I am going to simply not use my real name, and hopefully this will help me feel more free to speak my mind. I'm looking forward to the change.

If you think about it very hard, you should be able to figure out who this is. As one friend stated, this is my secret blog. Enjoy!