Sunday, July 01, 2007


Actually, that's not really true, I'm not used to being jealous. In the past, if I've felt jealous it was for a good reason - that I couldn't trust the person. So I would break up with them. Done and done.

This time around is different. I'm really into Peagant Girl, and I believe she's really into me. This relationship definetly has long term potential. That's why it sucks that I keep getting jealous.

Let's take for example the gentleman who e-mails her out of the blue to ask if this "relationship is serious", because he's had a crush on her for a long time.

Or the guy who pretends to be my friend to my face, and then tries to make out with her at a party while I'm in the OTHER ROOM.

Oh, oh, this one is the best. She's out in small town colorado this Summer for a music festival. She finally finds one guy she feels comfortable hanging out with that isn't going to hit on her. He has a GIRLFRIEND of a YEAR AND A HALF. They get drunk at a party and he starts hitting on her hardcore. Once she walks home alone, he starts calling her between 2 and 3 AM asking if he can come over. I wonder why.

Seriously. Where in the FUCK do these guys get off doing stuff like this? I would *never* hit on a girl who has a boyfriend. Casual flirting? Maybe - that depends on the girl. Asking if their relationship is serious because I have a crush on them? No. Trying to make out with them? No. Gaining their trust and then trying to SLEEP with them? Come on guys. Do you even care that you're dirtbags?

(oh, and P.S. you better believe I'm confronting this jackass when I get out there to visit her in a month. I'm already tired of him.)

So, long story short, after years of swearing I'd never be the jealous type, I seem to have become just that. Though, for the record, I think I'm handling this decently compared to how some guys might.

In the end, I am glad that she tells me these things. If I found out about them later from someone else, I would be far more upset, I think. It's got it's downsides, but in the end, I'm glad I'm with someone who is completely honest with me.

Venting complete. Thanks for playing along.